27 March 2017

Tangerang Street Art Festival 2

"Tangerang Street Art Festival 2"
Local Pride
1. Friday, March 24 2017 (08.00 am till drop!)
@ Kelurahan Tanah Tinggi Tangerang
2. Saturday, March 25 2017 (08.00 am till drop!)
@ Semanggi Center Cikokol
3. Sunday, March 26 2017 (10.00 am till drop!)
@ Semanggi Center Cikokol

Hana Madness | Gardu House | Dhigel | Pickwick

Bonger | Cemprut | Gems | Genc | Morden | Morp | Naca | Nide | Nobitch | Palang Pintu Squad | Rorz | Sandrax5 | Send7 | Smok | Stmy | The Ramons | The Woa | Uhkz | Warok | Wengweng

Akid One

Dhian S



Jinggam | Paypaypow



Jips | Xgo
This event was held in Kelurahan Tanah Tinggi, Tangerang-West Java in cooperation with the local government. The area is an area that is known to have a fairly high crime rate because the location in the bronx area which is quite close to Tangerang child prison.

The street art community in there has invited at least 30 street artists to beautify the city and change the image of a dark place into a valuable art.
Me along with the local hommies...
My sea monsta... :D

Paguyuban Pamitnya Meeting With Hana Madness

Been interviewed with these two crazy boys (Bhaga and Dhani) for their Youtube channel program called "Paguyuban Pamitnya Meeting". This event is a talk show that is packaged in a "jamu stalls" which located just beside the railroad tracks. They invited various speakers with different backgrounds in every episode and uploaded to their youtube channel "Paguyuban Pamitnya Meeting". 
 So yeah, for this episode along with me as a speaker, the topic was about "art and mental health matters.

Here they are... :D
Make sure to subcribe their channel to get other interesting topics. Enjoy!

06 March 2017

Bekasi Warna Warni #12 at Bea Box Food Container

Graffiti Jammin' entittled Bekasi Warna Warni 12 has been held for the 12th time. For this year they invite me to get involved with another graffiti writers from various city. There are 40 writers from 9 cities in Indonesia. It was so funnnnn for sure!
Me and my antah-berantah monsta. :D

As a Speaker on World Bipolar Day 2017

For this year, I came back to give a voice about "how I live my life as a person with Bipolar Disorder" and also how my creativity growing up from that. I am so glad to know that the audiences was very enthusiastic. I met with some audiences who are willing to come from outside Jakarta just to meet with me. 
The shape of appreciation.
I also displaying my latest paintings there with another artworks who came from ODB (People With Bipolar Disorder).

02 March 2017

Working On Mural Project by A Mild

Last week, Im working on mural project by A Mild for their office challenges program. The design concept was requested by them. Quite simple, but yet still fun!